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Supreme Court of the United States Swearing-In Ceremony

  • 16 May 2016
  • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Washington D.C.
  • 47


  • General Registration includes all court costs, a certificate of admission, and breakfast at the Supreme Court.
  • Guest Registration includes the breakfast at the Supreme Court.

Registration is closed

The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (the "HBA-NJ") is pleased to announce that it is providing an opportunity for our members to apply for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States!  The swearing-in ceremony will take place on Monday, May 16, 2016, at 8:30 a.m. in the District of Columbia.   In order to apply, you must be a practicing member in good standing with the highest court of any state for at least 3 years before the date of the application.

The morning of the ceremony will include breakfast at the Supreme Court​, followed by the swearing-in ceremony.  That afternoon, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez has graciously agreed to provide us with an exclusive tour of the Capitol.  The HBA-NJ has secured a group rate at the J.W. Marriott for Sunday night, along with a few limited rooms for Saturday night for those who want to spend the weekend visiting Washington D.C.

The registration fee for this event is $25​0, which includes all court costs, a certificate of admission, and breakfast at the Supreme Court. ​ There is a $30 cost for any additional guests who attend the breakfast. 

​Registration is limited.  Only the first 30 registrants on or before March 2, 2016, will be selected to be sworn in on May 16th.  Please reserve your spot to this limited event by following the four steps listed below:

  1. Pay your registration fee online at
  2. Obtain a copy of a Certificate of Good Standing from at least one of the highest state courts to which you are admitted. (If you are admitted in multiple jurisdictions, you need only one Certificate of Good Standing). The turnaround time for Certificates of Good Standing from the New Jersey Board of Bar Examiners is approximately one week.  Your application will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by the Certificate.
  3. Follow the instructions for admission (available here) AND complete the application for admission (available here).  Please ensure that two sponsors sign your application; sponsors must be members of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court who know you personally and are not related to you by blood or marriage. If you are having difficulties identifying members of the bar of the United States Supreme Court, the HBA-NJ may be able to assist you.  Please email for assistance.
  4. Return the completed application and Certificate of Good Standing by March 2, 2016, to following address: Jaclyn Medina, Esq., 60 State Street, 3rd Floor, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601.  

Thank you to our 2024-2025 Annual sponsors!







Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

2 Federal Square

PO BOX 25562

Newark, NJ 07102-1998

HBANJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization

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