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Representing Domestic Violence Victims & Obtaining Final Restraining Orders

  • 10 Mar 2022
  • 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Virtual + In-Person at Parker Ibrahim & Berg, 270 Davidson Ave, 5th Floor, Somerset, NJ 08873

HBA-NJ and Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLP (PIB Law) present "Representing Domestic Violence Victims & Obtaining Final Restraining Orders"

Please join us on March 10, 2022, for a CLE training on Representing Domestic Violence Victims & Obtaining Final Restraining Orders, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.  Attendees may attend virtually or in-person at Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLP (PIB Law), 270 Davidson Avenue, 5th Floor, Somerset, New Jersey.  This training is being presented by Partners and the Rachel Coalition, and is being co-hosted by PIB Law and the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.  Light refreshments and lunch will be provided.  All guests attending in person will be required to wear masks. 

Partners and the Rachel coalition are nonprofit organizations that recruit, train, assign and mentor attorneys, newly admitted and experienced, to represent low-income individuals who are victims of sexual and domestic violence in family court. Trained and competent legal representation helps clients to obtain final restraining orders and ancillary relief, such as custody, spousal and child support and safe visitation orders, in order to provide them and their children with physical and financial protection from their abusers.  This course will provide an in-depth analysis of victim protections and relief enumerated in the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. Trial structure and strategy, evidentiary issues, and impactful witness preparation and examination will be discussed and volunteers will learn how to provide trauma informed and client centered advocacy to survivors.

This program is FREE and is approved for 4.3 hours NJ CLE.  CLE is also available for NY through reciprocity. Volunteers are encouraged to accept a pro bono case during the next 12 months in exchange for this free training and materials.  Spanish-speakers and volunteers are especially needed and encouraged to attend. 

To register, please email:

Victoria Nicholson & Tara Halpern at

When you register, kindly confirm if you would like to attend in-person or remotely.  Also, kindly note that in-person attendance is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register early and by no later than March 8, 2022!  Thank you.

Thank you to our 2024-2025 Annual sponsors!







Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

2 Federal Square

PO BOX 25562

Newark, NJ 07102-1998

HBANJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization

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