Celebrating 38 Years:
The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) strongly denounces the current administration’s continued attack on the Latino community. The administration has now announced its plans to deploy up to 15,000 active-duty troops to the border in an effort to stop the group of migrants, also known as the migrant caravan, headed to the United States. Many of the individuals in the migrant caravan, which began their journey earlier this month, seek asylum in the United States to flee persecution and violence in their home countries. The use of active military, seemingly one of the largest during peacetimes, is yet another example of the criminalization of Latinos.
As noted by Julia A. López, HBA-NJ President: “From the highest office in our land, Latinos are being called bad hombres, hardened criminals, and rapists simply because they are Latino.” The HBA-NJ condemns the use of the military at the border, as well as the rhetoric that incites hatred, exacerbates racial tensions, and further polarizes our nation at a time when our country needs unity. Not only is this behavior inconsistent with American principles, but denying people the ability to apply for asylum is a violation of the laws and international conventions that prescribe how the United States must treat its neighbors who seek to establish a “credible fear” of returning home. Let’s be clear: Immigrants have long been a part of the fabric of the United States, dating back to the ships full of migrants coming to this country through Ellis Island.
In another anti-immigrant ploy, the President plans to nullify the 14th Amendment of the Constitution with an executive order. The 14th Amendment guarantees all persons born or naturalized in the United States as citizens of the United States. The proposed executive order would seek to eviscerate birthright citizenship from children born on United States soil to undocumented immigrants. This proposition is a clear indication of misguided and unfounded assertions against migrants. Terminating the 14th Amendment with an executive order is also an attack of the Constitution—the basis of our democracy.
The President of the HBA-NJ, Julia A. López, emphasized: “We must all raise our voices when the Latino community is under attack and when immigrants are not treated with dignity. Immigrants have always made America great. Now more than ever, when Latinos are the largest growing minority in this country and our vote equals power, we must raise our voices as Americans and exercise our right to vote on November 6th. In these defining times, we must put humanity over political lines and stand up against all anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, and racist hate speech.”
About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, lawstudents, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.
The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.
Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101
For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at aaviles@daypitney.com or (973) 966-8034.
For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: www.njhba.org or contact Julia A. López, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at jalopez@reedsmith.com or (609) 524-2022.
©2018 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.